* 大型汽车:指总质量大于4500千克,或车长大于等于6米,或乘坐人数大于等于20人的各种汽车。
* 小型汽车:指总质量在4500千克以下(含4500千克),车长在6米以下,或乘坐人员不足20人的汽车。
* 专用汽车:指专门设备且有专项用途的汽车包括扫地汽车、仪器车、邮政汽车、汽车吊车等。
* 特种车:指有特殊专门用途的紧急用车辆包括消防汽车、救护汽车、工程车抢险车、警备车、交通事故勘查车等。
* 有轨电车:指以电动机驱动,设有集电杆,行驶在轨道上的车辆。
* 无轨电车:指以电动机驱动,设有集电杆,装有轮胎或车轮的车辆。
* 电瓶车:指以电动机驱动,以电瓶为电源的车辆。
* 三轮摩托车:指总质量在750千克以下的三个车轮的机动车。
* 二轮摩托车:指发动机气缸工作容积大于或等于50毫升,最大设计车速超过50公里/小时的两个车轮的机动车。
* 轻便摩托车:指发动机气缸工作容积小于或等于50毫升友手橡,供单人乘骑,最大设计车速不超过50公里/小时的两个车轮的机动车。
* 四轮农用运输车:功率不大于28千瓦,载质量不大于1500千克,最大设计车速小于或等于50公里/小时的四个车轮的机动车。
* 三轮农用运输车:功率不大于9千瓦,载质量不大于500千克,最大设计车速小于或等于40公里/小时的三个车轮的机动车。
* 大型方向盘式拖薯消拉机:指发动机功率大于等于14.7千瓦(20马力)的方向盘式拖拉机。
* 小型方向盘式拖拉机:指发动机功率小于14.7千瓦的方向盘式拖拉机。
* 手扶拖拉机:指用好旁手把操纵转向的轮式拖拉机。
* 轮式自行专用机械:指设计行驶速度在10公里/小时以上,装有充气轮胎,可以在道路上自行行驶的专用机械。
* 全挂车:指本身无动力,独立承载,依靠其他车辆牵引行驶的车辆。
* 半挂车:指本身无动力,与主车共同承载依靠主车牵引行驶的车辆。
擎天柱/柯柏文(Optimus Prime,配音Peter Cullen):汽车人的首领,很多年前他被“the Matrix of Leadership”(值于机器人首领胸中的一种固件,相当于王冠)选中成为新的首领,他谦逊的接受了,从此由赛伯顿星球(Cybertron)上一名普通的劳动阶级机器人变成了宇宙中最强大的仁爱之师——汽车人的首领,当他带领着部下准备作战时,总会说那句著名的台词“汽车人,变形出发!”(Transform and Rollout!)
大黄蜂(BUMBLEBEE):大黄蜂是随着飞船来到地球的汽车人之一,参加了多场战斗,是汽车人的一名优秀侦察员,在电影版中他是主人公男孩萨姆(Sam Witwicky)的第一辆车——通用雪佛兰Camaro[1](最近这辆车的真车在中国出现,由上海网友拍到,看来在中国买到大黄蜂也不是梦想了)。在汽车人大家族里大黄蜂个头算小的,被其它同伴当作小弟弟,但他执行危险任务可一点不比别人逊色。
爵士(JAZZ):他一直都是最受欢迎的汽车人角色之一,他的人生信条是“如果做事没有自己的风格,那就别做”。他非常酷、很有个性、非常能干、勇敢而聪明。他有着接近完美的记忆力,这是他成为战场上不可多得的记录者。由于他采用了核子融和动力的引擎,所以当他变形后能达到接近光速的速度。 爵士也是跟随擎天柱登上寻找新世界的宇宙方舟的汽车人之一,由于遭到威震天(Megatron)袭击,他们的飞船坠落在地球上,船上的所有成员都进入紧急停滞状态。1984年一次火山爆发唤醒了汽车人的电脑——“显像一号”(Teletran-1),它修复并重新格式化了飞船上的机器人,使他们具备了变形为地球上机器的能力。爵士是一辆漂亮的通用公司“庞蒂亚克”轿车。 冷静的头脑使爵士总是担当起特殊任务的领导,他总是把最危险的任务留给自己,此外爵士适应各种环境的能力也很强,他来到地球后努力适应这里的文化,吸收和改进,做出一些有创意的命令和决定。这些使他成为擎天柱不可缺少的得力助手。
救护车/力捷(RATCHET):在汽车人中担当了“医生”的角色,本是一辆救护车,但在电影里改为通用“悍马H2”(Hummer H2)抢险救急车,作用比原来更广泛了。虽然“治病救人”是他的工作,但作战起来他也丝毫不逊色,他的勇气和忠诚经得起时间的考验。
铁皮(IRONHIDE):铁皮是个强悍的家伙,就像个随时准备掏枪的牛仔。他是擎天柱的老友,在汽车人兄弟中要数他参加的战斗最多,通常他负责一些重要人物的保卫工作,同时也是擎天柱的私人保镖,他最喜欢说:“高科技的线路无法取代血肉之躯”。 粗野但是善良,铁皮可以射出温度极低的液氮子弹和温度很高的铅弹,他码春还装备有声纳、雷达、无线电波探测器。尽管在汽车人里数他速度最慢,但他的外壳由Trithyllium钢合金制成,这种合金中含有辐射碳纤维,从而使他不易受到攻击。他变形后是一辆通用公司的GMC越野车。
眩晕(Blackout):霸天虎中体形最大的机器人,变形后是一架直升飞机,负责运送霸天虎成员。他拥有通过电磁脉冲干扰机器设备的能力。据说,在眩晕里有一个笼子,笼子里装着“撒克巨人”, 撒克巨人(Scorponok):归眩晕调用,变形后是一只蝎子。能与周围环境融为一体,还能发射火箭。
擎天柱(Optimus Prime)
阿尔茜(Arcee)- 女变形金刚,变形后是摩托车,是梅根·福克斯的坐骑
天火(Jetfire)- 年老失修,被狂派抛弃,于是转投博派,变形后是SR-71黑鸟战机.
摇摆(Jolt)- 原玩具是狂派,但在电影里设定的是博派,变形后是雪佛兰Volt混合动力跑车.
双胞胎金刚“刹车”(Skids)和“挡泥板”(Mudflap)变形后是雪佛兰Beat and Trax概念车.
堕落金刚(The Fallen)- 电影原创角色,本片中的大反派,来自遥远的古代,变形金刚中的堕落天使路西法,因叛逆与自大而被流放于另一维度的时空,他掌握着地球与变形金刚故乡——赛伯顿星球(Cybertron)上生命的钥匙.
边路(Sideways)- 变形后是奥迪R8,他被认为是“路障”(Barricade)的新形态.
声波(Soundwave)- 原玩具变形后是录音机,电影里变形后是轨道太空卫星,利用机器狗收集情报.
机器狗(Ravage)- 隶属于声波的猫形机器人间谍,电影中不会变形,不会说话医生(The Doctor)- 蛛形机器人,能变成各种酷刑工具,隶属于昆虫派,昆虫派在电影里都变成小机器人了.
转轮(Wheelie)- 一个小的远程控制小车.
破坏者(Demolisher)- 隶属于建造派,变形后是挖掘机.
大力神(Devastator)- 巨大的组合机器人,由建造派组合而成:Scavenger(清扫机)、Scrapper(铲土机)、Hightower(高塔)、Longhaul(拖斗)、Rampage(猛虎)、Overload(超载)、Mixmaster(搅拌者).
1. 消防安全的英语怎么写
消防安全的英语:fire safety
英文发音:[ˈfaɪə(r) ˈseɪfti]
Is obviously a temporary high-pressure water supply system, do not meet fire safety requirements.
n. 火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情; *** ;磨难
vt. 点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪
vi. 着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧余扮火
They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky.
中文释义:n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打
People scurried for safety as the firing started.
1、fire hydrant
英文发音:[ˈfaɪə haɪdrənt]
中文释义:[安全] 消防栓;灭火龙头
Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter.
中文释义:n. 消防员
It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him
3、fire fighting truck
英文发音:[ˈfaɪə(r) ˈfaɪtɪŋ trʌk]
Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work.
第三十六条 消防车、消防艇以及消防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。
2. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文
People know the dangers of fires. It'竖判灶s good for us to know how to protect us from fire.
Firstly, get a *** oke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency.
Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape.
Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it.
3. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语冲轮作文
Forest fire is everyone's responsibility Forest as the renewable natural resources and the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem, in the survival and development of mankind history plays an irreplaceable role. The forest has the reputation of lung of the earth, it can greatly absorb carbon dioxide, and constantly create a human and other organi *** s need oxygen. The forest is the oxygen factory, is a dust filter, is a natural reservoir, is a natural air conditioning 。
。 The forest gives us the inexhaustible benefits! The forest is whole countryman economy lasts, fast, healthy development of the foundation, it is in the national economic construction has irreplaceable status and role.The forest and the people's production and life are closely linked, but the forest is facing the threat of fire! Fire can make valuable natural resources e to nothing! Fire can cause people to lose the precious life! The number of human civilization in the fire disappear? How many precious wealth in the fire disappear?Please see the following terrible lesson: in 2004, a town in Fujian province a hill. Because there was a farmer in a field of weeds in burned accidentally cause of forest fires, the affected forest area of 28 hectares, the fire lasted 19 hours, the fire direct cost 26000 yuan! Causing the death of 8 people! In 2006, a state-owned forestry centre for the village because *** oking cause of forest fires. Forest Lawn victimization area of 1000 mu, 4 firefighters died!Forest fires occur due to human factors and natural factors two, wherein, the human factors account for a major proportion of. Human factors are the main field and open up wasteland; field and keep warm by the fire; fire flooding wild beast; field littered cigarette and *** oke. Fire and water have no mercy., is not a joke, there is old saying goes: those who play with fire will burn! One careless move, can bring to the forest crowning calamity to human beings themselves, bring endless grief! People are weak awareness of fire prevention has led to a disastrous consequences!As a pupil of what we can do? I think I should start from our own, strictly abide by the rules for primary school students, not in the wild fire. And to do *** all forest fire propagandist work, into their own village, and protect the forest uncle aunts a, publicity the importance of fire, tell people to forest fire prevention. To help improve people's consciousness of fire prevention. I want to you uncle aunt call: forest fire protection is everyone's responsibility! Prevention of forest fire prevention in!。
4. 翻译成英文: 1.讲消防安全知识 2.必须
1 讲消防安全知识 tell something about fire safety
2.必须____ 禁止 must-mustn't
3.必须小心 must be careful
4.玩火柴 play with matches
5.在火边玩耍 play by the fire
6.一场大火 a big fire
7.在一个乡村公园里 in a country park
8.到处 here and there
9.在火上浇水 drop water on the fire
10.在火中燃烧 burn in the fire
11.勇敢地灭火 put out the fire bravely
12.受伤 get hurt
13.使用了大量水 use a lot of water
14.放了一块标牌 put up a sign
15.在我们的洞里有一个火堆。 There is a campfire in our cave.
16.给某人某物 give *** sth
17.好吃 taste good
18.喜欢____憎恨(反) like-hate
19.把它扔到火堆里去 throw it into the fire
20.闻起来香 *** ell good
21.把所有的肉放在火上烧 put all the meat on the fire
22.快速地出去 get out quickly
23.不要用电梯 don't use the lift
24.危险的___ 安全的(反) dangerous-safe
25.到处是烟雾弥漫。 There is *** oke everywhere.
26.捂住你的嘴 Cover your mouth
27.快速地爬出去 crawl out quickly
28.知道做什么 know what to do
29.听消防员的 listen to the firefighters
5. 防火通知英语作文加翻译
Hello everyone. Fire safety is very important to us .
If our building is on fire, how should we do? First, we should keep calm and follow the teacher's
arrangement to keep the order, . Next , If the *** oke is thick, we should use a wet towel to cover
our mouths and noses. At the same time, we have to try to keep low to the floor in the
*** oke.Finally, we should walk quickly to the nearest exit.
本文来自"英语汇作文网" 欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处!
6. 消防四个能力详细内容 英文翻译
1. To determine the fire safety manager in charge of the unit's fire safety management, clear responsibility of employees in post fire2. Units a month to conduct a prehensive fire safety inspection, and plete inspection records3. Units daily fire safety inspections, and inspection personnel to determine the content, location and frequency; public places during business hours should be at least once every two hours of fire safety inspections; hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, nurseries and kindergartens should be undertaken night fire safety inspections4. Unit employees a day before classes, after classes check the status of fire safety5. Units of fire prevention inspection, inspection of fire hazards found, check the inspectors to immediately urge the rectification, rectification can not spot, fire safety manager to report to develop corrective action plans, specific corrective measures, the rectification period, the deadline to eliminate, and to take preventive measures, to ensure the safety of the rectification period6. Shall be set up full time fire brigade enterprises and institutions to establish a full-time fire department; with security forces unit to establish a "security consumer one" fire brigade; other units of the establishment of the voluntary fire brigade7. The fire control room staff on duty trained certificates, familiar with the fire fighting equipment, and master fire and starting the fire facilities and equipment disposal procedures and methods8. According to its practical development of fire fighting and emergency evacuation, fire fighting and emergency evacuation and a clear organizational structure, personnel, disposal procedures and practices; unit organizations at least once every six months fire fighting and emergency evacuation drills and exercises continued to improve according to plan9. The control unit employees should be extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment are used. In the event of fire, the fire site and the adjacent staff positions staff positions to quickly take advantage of fire fighting equipment10. Employees to master the basic skills to help themselves escape fire, escape routes and guide familiar with evacuation procedures. A. carry safety equipment, evacuation, and immediately rushed to the responsibility of cleaning up the safety position B. rapid export organizations to help guide the evacuation corridor C. evacuation operations not to escape11. Units on each floor of the building, evacuation passageway and safety officers to clear evacuation guide12. Fire facilities equipment to set norms, eye-catching logo, text or illustrations indicate the operation with use of13. Key positions, an important place and evacuation passageway and safety to set the "prompt", "No" Class fire logo14. Unit employees annually organize a fire safety education and training, public gathering places once every six months training. New posts and the new staff positions to conduct pre-service fire training, most employees to "know the three will be three" requirements。
Optimus Prime 擎天柱
Bumblebee 大黄蜂
Jazz 爵士
Ratchet 救护车
Ironhide 铁皮
Sideswipe 横炮
Arcee 阿尔茜 - 新!女变形金刚,变形后是摩托车,是梅根·福克斯坐骑
Mudflap 挡泥板 - 新!变形后是雪佛兰 Trax 概念车
Autobot Skids 刹车 - 新!变形后是雪佛兰 Beat 概念车
Jolt 摇晃 - 新!原玩具是狂派,但在电影里设定的是博派,变形后是雪佛兰Volt混合动力跑车
Jetfire 天火 - 新!从狂派阵营投奔博派,变形后是SR-71黑鸟战机
Megatron 威震天
Starscream 红蜘蛛
Bonecrusher 碾压机--袭击
Brawl 吵闹
Vortex 旋风(直升机)
Soundwave 声波 - 新!原玩具变形后是录音机,电影里变形后是轨道太空卫星,利用机器狗收集情报
Barricade 街垒--路障(警车)
Blackout 眩晕(直升机)
Frenzy 迷乱
Scorponok 萨克巨人
Soundbyte 音浪
Hot Shot 激射
Sideways 双面人 又叫 边路 - 新!变形后是奥迪R8
The Doctor 医生 - 新!蛛形机器人,能变成各种酷刑工具,隶属于昆虫派,昆虫派在电影里都变成小机器人了
Wheelie 转轮 - 新!一个小的远程控制小车
Stryker 悍将(装甲车)
Ravage 机器狗 - 新!隶属于声波的狗形机器人间谍,电影中不会变形,不会说话
The Fallen 堕落者 - 新!电影原创角色,本片中的大反派,来自遥远的古代,变形金信掘刚中的郑凳堕落天使路西法,因叛逆与自大而被流放于另一维度的时空,他掌握着地球与变形金刚故乡——赛伯顿星球(Cybertron)上生命的钥匙
Alpha Q 宇宙生物
Demolisher 破坏者 - 新!隶属于建造派,变形后是挖掘机
Cyclonus 狂飙
Sky Blast 天爆
Inferno 消防车
Terrorcon 龙头部队--机器恐龙
Air Glide 空翔
Tidal Wave 潮汐波--震荡波
Galvatron 惊破天
Strong Arm 铁腕
Road Blaster 路霸
Primus 超级领袖
Reconbot 后勤战士
Cybertron-Primus 原始天尊
Metroplex 猛大帅
Signal Flare 信号弹
Unicron 宇宙大帝
Devastator 大力神 - 新!巨大的组合机器人,由建造派组合而成(Scavenger、Scrapper、Hightower、Longhaul、Rampage、Overload、Mixmaster)